Corporate governance at Mineração Serra Verde operates on two fronts: internally, through management and corporate communication, and externally via our relationship with the community and stakeholders.
Day-to-day activities are monitored by committees which operate on the principles of transparency, equity, accountability, and corporate responsibility, and are aligned with the Company’s strategic, financial, and operational objectives. The Committees are:
- Executive Committee
- Technical Committee
- Operational Committee
- People and Communication Committee
- ESG Committee
- Crisis Committee
- Compliance, Ethics, and Privacy Committee
To support its corporate governance, Mineração Serra Verde structured a Compliance Program to promote ethical culture and compliance, providing several actions, described in the below chart

Learn more. Download our Compliance Manual
(English version available soon.)
We are committed to transparency, equality, efficiency, responsibility, and social and environmental sustainability.
Download our policies and corporate documents to learn more about our standards.
Download our Code of Ethics and Conduct
Our anticorruption policy is intended to ensure that the employees, clients, and partners of Mineração Serra Verde are aware of the requirements of relevant Anti-Corruption Laws and comply with acceptable standards of integrity, legality, and transparency.
Download our Anti-Corruption Policy
As part of its Compliance Program, Mineração Serra Verde provides a secure and exclusive whistleblower channel for anyone to report potential violations of the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy, the Code of Ethics and Conduct, internal rules and procedures or applicable laws and regulations.
The Whistleblowing Channel is operated by a third-party company and all complaints are anonymous. Mineração Serra Verde encourages its employees and business partners to use the Whistleblowing Channel. We guarantee the fair treatment of the facts and non-retaliation to anyone who submits a complaint in good faith. To make a complaint, use the following channels:
- Site:
- Phone: 0800 892 2293
- E-mail:
- WhatsApp: +1 (415) 200-2619
When you start reporting through Chatbot WhatsApp, enter the code “serraverde”