Our ESG Approach

Serra Verde has been developed and will operate to the highest environmental standards in compliance with the requirements of Brazilian regulations as well as international best practice. We comply with relevant ISO standards, and our operations are aligned with the IFC Performance Standards and the ICMM Principles.

Our ambition to be the most sustainable producer of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) is based upon a combination of factors: the advantages inherent in our operations; our commitment to make sustainability integral to every decision and action we take; and our mission to ensure our products and operations contribute sustainably to the clean energy transition.

In November 2024, the Serra Verde Group released its Sustainability Review . The Review provides a summary of the significant work undertaken to date to embed sustainability across both our Pela Ema asset and our parent company and sets out how this work will be enhanced in the future.

Serra Verde already has strong sustainability credentials due to the advantageous geology of the Pela Ema deposit, our low impact operations, access to renewable electricity and use of biofuels, high quality infrastructure, skilled workforce and strong community relations. We expect that this will enable us to produce REEs with an industry leading, low carbon footprint and make a positive contribution to climate change mitigation and global decarbonisation efforts.

We are developing a strategic approach to address climate change in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures that is also integrated into our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks.

We are also committed to operating in a responsible and sustainable manner, applying best-in-class management practices and leading industry standards. In so doing we will create shared value for all stakeholders. It is also the way in which we will generate superior returns to our shareholders.

We define shared value as leveraging our operations and footprint to enhance the socio-economic capacity and well-being of the communities associated with our activities and contribute to the development of sustainable livelihoods. To find out more about the work we are doing to deliver shared value and our growing achievements please read our Sustainability Review.

Serra Verde’s sustainability credentials are globally recognised. In October 2024, Serra Verde was added to the Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) list of projects that are of critical importance to the energy transition. The MSP is a collaboration of 14 partner countries and the European Union that aims to accelerate the development of diverse and sustainable critical energy mineral supply chains. The MSP only supports projects that meet high, internationally recognized ESG standards, promote local value addition, and uplift communities, in recognition that all countries can benefit from the global clean energy transition.

ESG characteristics of our operation:

Serra Verde will produce a mineral concentrate containing high value rare earth elements that are vital for today’s modern technologies, and essential to the building blocks needed for global carbon reduction initiatives. Find out more > 
  • Our project will have a relatively low environmental impact given extraction is via a simple open pit quarry process producing no toxic chemicals, and the use of a dry stack tailings facility to manage waste material. As such, our operation is designed to avoid many of the risks commonly associated with other types of mining operations.

  • The Serra Verde deposit is one of the most advanced western-world projects to produce strategic high-value REEs similar to those found in Asia.  

  • The operation does not require explosives, crushing or milling and is expected to source a significant portion of its power from renewable hydro generation sources.

Our ESG resources:

ESG team:

ESG team: We have significantly expanded our ESG capabilities and are continually looking to strengthen our capacity and performance.

Permits, Policies And Reporting:

All necessary environmental licenses to construct the project have been granted following the award of the environmental operating license by the Environment and Sustainable Development (SEMAD).

We file an RDA Environment Performance Report to SEMAD annually.

Download of the Sustainability review is available here

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