III Regulators and Regulated Parties of the National Nuclear Energy Commission Meeting (CNEN)

Mineração Serra Verde attended and was represented by Pedro Burnier, the company’s ESG, Strategy and Corporate Affairs Director and by José Zamonaro, Health and Safety, Environment and Integrated Systems Manager during the III Meeting of Regulators and Regulated Entities of the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN). The meeting , discussed regulatory practices and procedures related to occupational and environmental radiological protection, representing the industries that handle Radioactive Materials of Natural Occurrence (NORM) in their production processes . Pedro introduced the company and delivered a presentation on: “Rare Earth Production at Mineração Serra Verde: Accelerating Brazil’s Contribution to the Energy Transition with Rare Earths”.

Taking part in this event reinforces our commitment to innovation and sustainability. Knowledge exchange and interaction with other leaders and regulators are essential to advance the integration of safer and more efficient practices, in addition to promoting a more sustainable energy transition in Brazil.

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