We held our 5th Technical Meeting with Communities on August 17, 2023, to explain the advances Serra Verde is making towards production. Approximately 200 people attended the meeting where we presented our plans for the coming months.
The purpose of the meeting is to improve the transparency and accountability of the company towards the community and society, in accordance with our core values.
At the event, the Executive Vice President of SVPM – Luciano Borges, addressed the history of the mining company and the environmental, social and safety milestones already achieved during the construction phase. Luciano also emphasized that Serra Verde will be the first mining company outside of Asia to produce magnetic rare earth elements, a fundamental raw material for wind turbines and EV’s, essential for a low-carbon economy. Luciano was accompanied by our Laboratory Manager, Kilder Bernardes, who discussed the applicability of our product and the technical characteristics of our process.
The Mayor of Minaçu, Carlos Alberto Leréia was also present at the event and stressed the importance of the company for the development and expansion, both of Minaçu and of the entire State.
Serra Verde’s social, environmental and safety responsibility programs, as well as the company’s geology areas and Laboratory & Processes and Human and Organizational Development areas, were presented to the community by our employees, who showed how our mining process works.
At Serra Verde our purpose is to move forward together, towards the launch of operations!