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Serra Verde Mining hosts the VII Technical Meeting with the Minaçu community

On March 21st, we held our VII Technical Meeting with the Minaçu community to share our progress and commitments, as our operation is now a reality. Approximately 330 people attended this meeting, which serves as the company’s accountability to society, in accordance with our values ​​of honesty, integrity, and transparency in its purpose. Check out the highlights of our VII Technical Meeting:

✅ We have obtained all necessary licenses and started production safely, reflecting our competence and commitment to operational excellence.

✅ We are in the production enhancement phase, and like all mining companies at this stage, we seek to improve our production process with a focus on the long term, to become a relevant competitor globally and to have our region recognized as a good place to invest.

✅ We recently surpassed 10 million hours without work-related accidents, demonstrating our dedication to the safety of our teams.

✅ We value our community, with 72% of our team being from Minaçu, and we are committed to investing in their training and personal development.

✅ We presented our socio-environmental programs, our process, and our safety and local labor appreciation initiatives, reinforcing our commitment to sharing our values ​​with our community.

Serra Verde Mining and therefore, Brazil, Goiás, and Minaçu, are the first places outside of Asia where all the rare earths necessary for producing permanent magnets used in electric vehicles and wind turbines are produced.

Together, let’s learn from our exchange of experiences and continue on the path of cooperation for sustainable growth.