Serra Verde conducted a Life Appreciation campaign for employees and the community

On last September 10th, which marks World Suicide Prevention Day, we at Serra Verde Mining shared our efforts to raise awareness for “Yellow September,” a month dedicated to suicide prevention and the appreciation of life. We began on September 1st with an online lecture for our employees on mental health, conducted by Dr. Ronaldo Monteiro Costa. Throughout the month, we have promoted more lectures and events for both our employees and the surrounding community.

“Unfortunately, every passing year there is an increase in the suicide rate. In 2022, there were 16,000 victims, with 44 lives lost per day in Brazil. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), one person commits suicide every 40 seconds worldwide. These numbers are deeply impactful. Our company, whose main value is the safety and health of its employees, could not ignore the issue, promoting awareness among 100% of our audience and involving the community,” highlighted José Zamonaro, HSOS Manager at Serra Verde Mineração.

We believe that dialogue is essential for prevention. Our homes are the first step, and together, we can make a difference!

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