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International Women’s Day

This Friday, March 8th, on International Women’s Day, Serra Verde Mining recognizes and celebrates the strength, dedication, and achievements of all women.

Currently, we have 146 female employees, comprising 27% of our team. Moreover, in 2023, our goal was to increase the number of women at Serra Verde Mining. Consequently, we hired 85 new female employees, half of whom were recruited through the Women in Mining Program, an initiative which provided training courses to women in our local community.

One of our core values is EQUITY, represented by the first letter “E” in our “GREEN” culture (VERDES). Our commitment to diversity and respect is reinforced through actions integrated into our daily operations, such as the Elas Project, which organizes regular meetings to discuss essential topics of the female universe, promoting dialogue, empowerment and the construction of an increasingly supportive environment for our female employees.

May this special day serve as a reminder of how much we admire and respect all women. Happy International Women’s Day!