Course Completion – Women in Mining

On July 19, Mineração Serra Verde held the graduation ceremony for the Dump Truck Operator course, promoted through the Women in Mining Program. The program aims to train local community women to enter the mining market, taking on roles traditionally performed by men. This was the 5th group of the Program, with 4 other groups of Dump Truck Operators and 1 of Heavy Machinery Mechanics, totaling 70 women trained.

On the occasion, the students received the course certificate, which had a workload of 60 hours and was taught by SENAI. The classes were divided between theory and practice so that the students could absorb and apply their knowledge. The practical classes were held on Serra Verde’s equipment within the mine. The company provided full support regarding transportation, meals, the provision of personal protective equipment, and creating a welcoming and safe environment for the classes.

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