Abrace Minaçu Programme

Through April and May, Mineração Serra Verde’s programme, Abrace Minaçu, which aims to support the protection and rights of children, adolescents and women’s rights in the municipality, carried out an important partnership with the city’s Civil Police.

Through the initiative “Multiplying Protection through Prevention”, the programme trained  37 students from the Educational course at the State University of Goiás, equipping them to carry out awareness actions within the Minaçu community to protect children and adolescents from situations of abuse and sexual exploitation.

During the training, students learned about preventive strategies to be used in the education and awareness in the community and in local schools.

This partnership between the SVPM’s Abrace Minaçu Programme and the Civil Police demonstrates the company’s commitment to public management, specifically in favour of the safety and well-being of children and adolescents.

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