PRAD – Controle Ambiental

Environmental Control PRAD –

For the implementation of our project, it was necessary to build a new transmission line that connects our mine to the city of Minaçu. Most of the energy required in our operation comes from renewable sources of hydroelectric generation.

Whilst installing the transmission line, we ensured that we carried out the correct planning and environmental controls as these are fundamental to our environmental stewardship and maintaining strong relationships with our neighbouring communities. This helps us  to minimize negative environmental impacts, such as erosion, siltation, environmental damages and overall fostering our relationship.

Under the company’s Degraded Areas Recovery Plan (PRAD), we implemented environmental controls such as revegetation along the transmission line easement and within infrastructure areas, as well as structural interventions to protect and stabilize slopes and embankments. The permanent access roads to the transmission line were also renovated.

Taking care of environmental control is green transformation.

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